I wish I could say I am an early riser but i can't. I am definitely a night owl. My husband is always telling me that it is all a matter of adapting but I haven't woken up past 7 am for more than a year now and I still have not "adapted." Zuri, on the other hand, can't sleep past 6:30 am. In fact, most days he is up and ready to go by 6. I really can't complain since he does go to bed everyday by 8 pm and does not wake up in between. Actually, in light of the months past, I am very grateful for the amount of sleep I get every night and for my husband's awesome help in the mornings. I know that the idea most people have is put him to bed later and he will wake up later, but that statement has proven itself false in our house. The later he goes to bed the lower the quality of his sleep and the EARLIER he wakes up. Not to mention the crankiness the next morning...
Eu gostaria de poder dizer que eu gosto de madrugar, mas eu não posso. Eu sou definitivamente uma coruja da noite. Meu marido está sempre dizendo que é tudo uma questão de costume mas ja faz mais de um ano que eu acordo antes das 7:00 e eu ainda não me acostumei. Zuri, por outro lado, não consigue dormir depois das 6:30. Na verdade, a maioria dos dias ele está acordado e pronto pro dia por volta das 6. Eu realmente não posso reclamar pois ele vai dormir por volta das 20:00 e ele não acorda no meio da noite. Na verdade, em visao desses últimos meses, estou muito grata pelas horas de sono que eu durmo todas as noites e pela incrível ajuda do meu marido no período da manhã. Eu sei que a idéia seria de colocá-lo para dormir mais tarde pra ele acordar mais tarde... Mas a essa afirmação provou falsa em nossa casa. Quanto mais tarde ele vai para a cama mais baixa a qualidade e o mais curto o tempo de sono. Sem mencionar o mau humor na manhã seguinte ...
Our morning routine starts pretty much the same everyday...the boy is HUNGRY!!! From the moment we enter the room to pick him up he makes sure to sign everything related to food he knows...milk, eat, more, bread, water....and any attempt to distract him at that point is futile. We used to try to wait until closer to 7 am to feed him breakfast but we have recently weaned him from his early morning feeding (of breast milk) so now we get his food ready as soon as he wakes up. He usually eats a full plate (by that I mean adult size) of mashed banana and papaya with a slice of whole wheat bread and pieces and sips of whatever we are having. While he eats, he likes to repeat the hand motions for the Bible action songs we sing for family worship to try to get us to sing for him...and we do. Then, it is play time.
Sometimes we take him for strolls around the neighborhood, sometimes we play outside with chalk (see a couple of posts back), sometimes we read to him the books that he likes (mainly 4: The toddler Bible, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eight Silly Monkeys, and Brown Bear Brown Bear) over and over and over again, at his request, and a lot of times we sit and play with him with his toys on the living room floor. last week, however, we decided to take him to the playground at the city park nearby.
Às vezes, o levamos para passeios no carrinho ao redor do bairro, às vezes brincamos com giz, às vezes lemos para ele os livros que ele gosta (principalmente 4: A Biblia para bebes, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eight Silly Monkeys, e Brown Bear Brown Bear), vez apos vez apos vez, a seu pedido, e varias vezes, sentamos e brincamos com ele, com seus brinquedos no chão da sala. Semana passada, no entanto, decidimos levá-lo para o no parquinho que fica aqui perto.
Spending time outside at this time of the year in South Texas is tricky business. The weather forecast last week alone does not leave the 90's an this week we are reaching the 100's. Turns out it is a great thing that Zuri is up early because we can spend sometime outdoors before the sun becomes too hot (also before daddy has to leave for the day).
Passar tempo do lado de fora nesta época do ano no sul do Texas é um negócio complicado. A previsão do tempo da semana passada por si só não desceu abaixo de 32 graus centigrados. Entao, ainda bem que o Zuri acorda cedo porque assim podemos passar tempo ao ar livre antes de o sol se torna muito quente (também antes de papai tem que sair para trabalhar).
It is also easier to be outside now that he can walk. He was able to enjoy the playground a lot more this time around. I am very glad that the park has a toddler playground where the structures are lower and more accessible to him. He truly had a blast and could not contain his excitement at times. One of his favorite things to do was put the wood-chips through the holes on the playground "floor." He also went down the slides quite a few times although he is still trying to figure out exactly how to do it.
E bem mais fácil sair agora que o Zuri sabe andar. Ele pode desfrutar do parquinho muito mais desta vez. Estou muito feliz que o parque tem um parquinho mais baixo que e mais acessivel para criancas da idade dele. Ele aproveitou bastante e mal pode conter seu entusiamo. Uma das coisas que ele mais gostou de fazer foi colocar os pedacinhos de madeira do chao nos furinhos do parquinho. Ele tambem desceu no escorregador varias vezes apesar de ainda estar tentando descobrir como melhor faze-lo.
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right before he threw himself forward and went down face first =( //logo antes dele se jogar de cara pra frente =( |
Nos aproveitamos bastate e estamos fazendo planos para voltar assim que pudermos.
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