Welcome/ Bem Vindos!

This blog was created for the purpose of including our family and friends who live from hundreds to thousands of miles away in the joyous updates of our family.

Esse blog for criado com o proposito de manter nossa familia e amigos que moram de centanas a milhares de kilometros de distancia atualizados dos alegres desenvolvimentos da nossa familia.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Reflections on Zuri's First Year

I cannot believe I am the mother of a 1 year old! Where did the year go???!!! Although it feels like time has flown by, when I stop to think about all that has taken place, it is hard to understand how all of it could fit in only 12 months.
It is hard to imagine that it only took 365 days for my completely dependent 8 lb 2 oz and 20 in little bundle to become a 23 lb, 31 in, bright eyed, curly haired ball of energy that can get into mostly anything and everything without my assistance. Looking back at the his newborn  pictures, I realized that I can hardly remember what he looked like before... it is as if he was always this big. I am glad we have thousands of pictures stored and this blog to remind me of those "early days."
That is why I decided to write this post. I have a feeling that as the days, months, and years go by these days will be less and less clear in my mind and I will forget. Forget how complex and amazing this experience is and how, even on the difficult and dreary days, there was always a glimpse of sunshine.
Over the last month, as I was nostalgically browsing through our home videos from the last year, I had the idea to make a video review. The original plan was to make a condensed version of our best videos for myself and maybe show it at his birthday party. Well, turns out putting together a birthday party (more on that on a future post) is a major undertaking in itself and I had no time to get it ready. But, I could not let the idea go, so after things had slowed down a bit this week, I finished it. I had a lot of fun putting it together. Here it is in case you want to see it too.

First and foremost I am so thankful to God for entrusting us with the care of this kind, loving, smart, and incredibly strong-willed little boy. I can't say everyday is easy but God has given us strength and an extra amount of patience to get through the difficult ones.
There is always lots of kisses and hugs going on in our house but a few days ago Zuri climbed up on my lap gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek (I am talking about a real kiss too! Not the previous open mouthed slobbering kind)... My eyes filled with tears. I will treasure that moment forever.

Talking about tears, there have been plenty of those throughout this past year (and I am not just talking about Zuri).
There was the time when we first got home from the hospital and I developed a very MILD fever and thought I was going to die because I was certain I had acquired some sort of infection at the hospital (oh those crazy hormones). There was also the time when my husband was away at a meeting and Zuri got sick (it always happens that way too) and I had to drive the car alone with Zuri for the first time, and then we both cried at the doctor's office when they had to take a blood sample. The pediatrician must have thought I was crazy.

There were plenty of reality checks too.
Breastfeeding is one of the most difficult things I have ever done in my life, but also the most rewarding.
Although I found it silly when I heard of parents checking their kids breathing while they were asleep (prior to being a mom), I still do it after 1 year.
Working the night shift did not prepare me for the many months of sleeplessness; but one does get used to it, and after a while, 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep feels like 12 hours.
The stories about parents who drive to calm their kids down do not apply to every child, especially not mine.
One year later and we are still waiting for him to grow out of his disdain for the car seat.

The happy moments far outweigh the others though. Zuri is a very social little guy who loves to see others smile. He has no problem sharing his toys and usually doesn't mind even when another child snatches a toy out of his hands, he just picks up a different toy. He also loves giving things to others. At home, he is always finding something to hand to me even if it is a piece of his bread or one of his rice puffs (which he loves). If you ask him for it he will hand it to you. Such a precious little boy! He is very adventurous and curious. He likes to make noise by hitting things together (i.e. his wooden blocks) and enjoys listening to music. He is now learning to copy the actions for the action songs we sing during worship and is enjoying it much more. His latest game is hiding toys under his legs (when he is sitting on the floor) or under the couch and making his "where is it" motion (see video). He then proceeds to get the toy out with a happy squeal. Sometimes when I put him down for a nap he takes a little while to fall asleep. When that happens I check on him once in a while (I am waiting for the day he is going to attempt to climb out of the crib). Many times I have fond him playing peekaboo with himself, he will cover his face with the blanket, make his "where is it" motion and pull it off. He also talks to himself before he naps. Very interesting conversations indeed.

There are so many memories and lessons I have learned from this first year that I never want to forget. My prayer as I conclude this retrospective is one of sincere gratitude with only one request, that God will give us the wisdom we need to lead Zuri in the "way he should go" (Proverbs 22:6)

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