Over the last few months Z1 has developed a passion for photography. He started by figuring out how to open the camera app on our locked phones while we weren't looking and shooting away at anything and everything. This new hobby of his was driving both my husband and I crazy; especially when we unexpectedly ran out of memory on our phones only to discover hundreds of pictures he had taken. However, amongst the scores of unrecognizable blurry images of headless forms, we also found some gems. A few weeks ago my husband wrote a short story about one of these gems that he found on his phone
(you can read it by clicking here). In order to save our sanity and the memories on our phones, I had the idea of giving him one of our old digital cameras to play with. It was around that time that I realized we now had a little window into his world. Looking at the pictures he had taken, we could get a little glimpse of the world through his perspective. Now, we often see him walking around the house camera in hand snapping away. Sometimes he asks us to pose, other times he just captures whatever he finds interesting. After the first few days though, we had to give him some basic ground rules like "no taking pictures of people in the bathroom!"
Ao longo dos últimos meses Z1 desenvolveu uma paixão pela fotografia. Ele
começou quando descobriu como abrir o aplicativo da câmera em nossos
telefones enquanto não estávamos prestando atencao e tirou foto de tudo e todos. Este novo hobby estava deixando meu marido e eu locos; especialmente
quando a memória em nossos telefones acabava inesperadamente e descobriamos centenas de fotos que ele havia tirado. No entanto, entre as dezenas de imagens tremidas irreconhecíveis de formas sem cabeça, também encontramos algumas jóias. Algumas
semanas atrás, meu marido escreveu uma história curta sobre uma dessas
perolas que encontrou em seu telefone (você pode ler clicando aqui). A
fim de salvar a nossa sanidade e as memórias em nossos telefones, eu
tive a idéia de dar-lhe uma das nossas câmeras digitais mais antigas para
brincar. Foi por volta dai que eu percebi que tinha agora uma pequena janela aberta para o mundo dele. Olhando para as fotos que ele havia tirado, podemos obter um pequeno vislumbre do mundo através de sua perspectiva. Agora, nós o vemos muitas vezes andando pela casa com câmera na mão capturando o mundo ao redor. Às vezes, ele nos pede para posar pra foto, outras vezes ele só capta o que ele acha interessante. Após os primeiros dias, porém, tivemos de dar-lhe algumas regras básicas como "não fotografar as pessoas no banheiro!"

Yesterday I decided to finally take a look at some of the pictures in his camera and today, in honor of his birthday, I thought I would share a few with you. Although all of these pictures were taken by Z1, I did make a few of them black and white and made small lighting adjustments on a few others. Of course there are hundreds more in addition to these, but these are my favorites. He has sure improved since he started and I am looking forward to see what the future holds.